Three Things I Do All Year To Keep My Financial Records Under Control

Three Things I Do All Year To Keep My Financial Records Under Control

We’ve all seen oodles of posts in the lead up to end of financial year – the mad rush to get your records sorted by end of June. But for little old me, I have three things that I do consistently all year that have me not doing the mad rush to get my financials...
Calming the Chaos – Implementing Processes in Your Business

Calming the Chaos – Implementing Processes in Your Business

Are there days in your business when it seems to be endless chaos? You can’t seem to keep up or feel like you’re on top of anything at all? Yep, I have those days too – and I’m an organisation freak. But it’s these kinds of days where having structured processes...
Favourite Google Workspace Functionalities for Small Businesses

Favourite Google Workspace Functionalities for Small Businesses

Since starting my business I have had my eyes opened to a big wide world of apps and software that I previously hadn’t been fully immersed within during my life in the corporate admin support world. I have previously mentioned my favourite go-to apps and...